Manage Bookmarks from the Commandline
Tags: commandline
For the past few years, I have managed my bookmarks using a simple fish shell script and plain text files.
I use this script on all my devices - computers and Android phones (with Termux).
The script relies on Awk and fzf.
The script
The code for my
script given below:
function bookmark
if test -d "$HOME/RESOURCES"
set browser "librewolf"
set dir ~/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/
set bk_file ~/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/bookmark.txt
set rl_file ~/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/readlater.txt
set ar_file ~/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/archive-reads.txt
set browser "termux-open-url"
set dir ~/storage/shared/Documents/COMPUTER/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/
set bk_file ~/storage/shared/Documents/COMPUTER/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/bookmark.txt
set rl_file ~/storage/shared/Documents/COMPUTER/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/readlater.txt
set ar_file ~/storage/shared/Documents/COMPUTER/RESOURCES/Bookmarks/archive-reads.txt
# open links
set enter "become($browser {-1})"
set ctrl_o "execute-silent(open {-1} >/dev/null 2>&1 &)"
# edit file
set alt_e "execute(rg -l {-1} $dir | xargs $EDITOR)"
# copy link
set ctrl_y "execute(echo -n {-1} | fish_clipboard_copy)+abort"
# change mode/file
set ctrl_b "reload(awk '!/^(\$|#)/' $bk_file)+change-prompt(Bookmarks> )+change-preview-window(up,1)+unbind(tab,ctrl-b)+rebind(change,ctrl-z,ctrl-r)"
set ctrl_r "reload(awk '!/^(\$|#)/' $rl_file)+change-prompt(Readlater> )+change-preview-window(hidden|)+unbind(change,ctrl-r)+rebind(ctrl-z,ctrl-b,tab)"
set ctrl_z "reload(awk '!/^(\$|#)/' $ar_file)+change-prompt(Archive> )+change-preview-window(up,1)+unbind(tab,ctrl-z)+rebind(change,ctrl-b,ctrl-r)"
# add to archive
set alt_z "execute-silent(test -n {q} && date +'%F {q}' >> $ar_file || date +'%F {-1}' >> $ar_file )+reload(awk '!/^(\$|#)/' $ar_file)"
# add to readlater
set alt_r "execute-silent(test -n {q} && echo {q} >> $rl_file || echo {-1} >> $rl_file )+reload(awk '!/^(\$|#)/' $rl_file)"
# note: I edit the main bookmark.txt file manually.
awk '!/^($|#)/' $rl_file | fzf\
-e --multi +s \
--preview='echo {-1}'\
--query=(commandline) \
--prompt="Readlater> "\
--header 'Bookmarks | Readlater | Archive'\
# clear commandline
commandline -r -- $(echo "")
commandline -f repaint
bind \e\cb bookmark
The script first checks whether its running on a computer or on a phone. It determines that by testing the $HOME
directory structure.
Next, the script sets default variables for browser and bookmark path.
Before running fzf
, the script assigns variables for keybindings.
Finally, the script uses awk
to parse the content of the bookmark files and then pipes the output to fzf
I bind the script to CTRL-ALT-B for quick execution.
This is a simple script that you can tweak to suit your needs.
The file is available in my dotfiles repo.