Format JSON in Vim with jq

Tags: vim json 



You can run external commands in Vim like sort, echo, git, etc., in command-mode.

With jq installed, you can run jq command and format JSON files inside Vim.

The jq command

Format (pretty-print) code in file: :%!jq

Format code in current line: :.!jq

Compact output with -c or --compact-output flag: :%!jq -c

Read the jq man page for more commands.

In Vim, % represents the current file, and . represents the current line.

Set keymaps

If you frequently run these commands, you can bind them to a key.

For e.g., you can map CTRL+J to run the :%!jq command in Vim like:

noremap <C-j> :%!jq<CR>

The same binding for Neovim in Lua:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-j>', ':%!jq<CR>', {desc="Pretty-print JSON"})

Create AutoCommand

Another cool trick would be to create an AutoCommand to automatically run these commands on file write.

Here’s how to set one in Neovim:

-- Auto format JSON on write
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', {
  group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('format-file', {}),
  pattern = '*.json',
  command = ':%!jq'

Although, I would argue not to set automatic formatting like this as to avoid unexpected issues.

Set as Vim’s default formatter

Pressing gq + motion formats file using Vim’s built in format program.

To set jq as the default format program for JSON files with put the following in you config file:

set formatprg="jq".


You can lookup and use different formatters for different file types.

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